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***Updated September 16th***


22 Updates in September (so far!) 

30 Updates in August

30 Updates in July

50 Updates in June

86 Updates in May

36 Updates from Lone Star

20+ Updates from Kansas City 

40 Updates from Indy and Vegas 

40 Updates from the Sunshine Qualifier

87 Updates so far this month and 68 Updates from Triple Crown Weekend! 


Looking for more help than just a needs list? 

Check out the Online Recruiting Program and get started with your recruiting process.


*Please download this to your computer as the active link you recieve will only be good for a couple of weeks.  Thank you!


Looking for a list of positional needs for colleges?  


Ask me how else I can help. 


Purple/Orange schools are schools that I have reached out to directly but have yet to respond with any information. 



I've started putting in BLUE the new additions from the past month, so you can see the newest info easier. 

I am also putting in RED when a school is done - please remember that the recruiting landscape changes rapidly.  Even if a school is "done" please reach out if you think they might be a good fit for you.  


Finally, I am beginning to slowly add coaches contact info.  This will take some time, but I'm trying to get the best contact person in that program for you.   


Not each school listed has responded back with needs.  I receive these needs directly from the college coaches themselves, not other sources.  


This list will be updated each month and available for download.  


Please understand a few things about these "needs lists":

1) This list is not meant to be exclusive. 

2) Recruiting is a fluid and everchanging part of college volleyball, so this list is as accurate as the last time it was updated.  

3) Even if a school doesn't show a need for your position, if it is a school you are very interested in, please reach out to them!   

4) Use this list as a starting point and look at some of my other resources 


College Recruiting Needs List

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