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Embrace the Effort

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

I was talking to a college coach this afternoon and among other things, we talked about this topic; that there were some athletes out there that could literally do no more than answer the phone on June 15th and still get recruited, offered and be done. The biggest issue is that this line of recruiting only works for a select few athletes. Some think that this way of recruiting only occurs in the Power 5 schools, but I don't think the list is actually that big. Out of the roughly 200 athletes recruited each season in the Power 5 (Check out my Power 5 Blog for more info) there are easily a chunk of athletes that had to send emails to get noticed and recruited. Most likely there are a few that were even crossed off of some schools list early on in the recruiting process because they hadn't progressed as early as some other athletes. So if the recruiting process is relatively simple for 150 athletes across the country, then what does the process look like for the other 850+ that are getting recruited at the D1 and D2 levels?

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